What we seek, as we see a small prosperous future for the region? What we firmly intend to create?
Free, happy, fully rich people living in harmony with nature, peace, mutual understanding, respect and help to each other with the spirit of those around them who love and are loved...
...Nowadays, in this full of laud-sounding false phrases world, this really capacious vision statement could be understood not quite right. So we present a more detailed explanation of what it should mean:
1. Free
– Children not forced to learn what they are not interested in, irrelevant, do not like. The main incentive and method to learn one important thing or another - creative well thought-out individual motivation. People themselves free to decide what to do, what to be interested in, how to spend their time...
2. Happy...
– It means sustainable families, people feel happy, live in joy and happiness...
3. Fully rich
– This means not only providing the necessary substantive values (user-friendly, comfortable accommodation and own everything that you need to feel good, comfortable, confident), but also educated, spiritually rich, mature, nurturing their culture, traditions...
4. Living in harmony with the Creator and nature in harmony with neighbors, loving and beloved... the further explanation is not necessary here. Maybe just to feel good, be kind-hearted, intelligent, friendly with all its surroundings only a free man could.
And if it is needed to say more clearly... This means that from the very beginning of the project implementation in the region will be:
– No unemployment
– No alcohol and no drugs
– There will be no crime and no corruption
– No financial crisis, no compulsory (poverty) emigration
– No riots, strikes (including national or religious)...
– No homelessness and no poverty
– No any abandoned child
– No orphans and their shelters, no children's homes
– No abuse and violence
– No gender discrimination.
– No children, women or men humiliation
– No depression and no suicides!
The essence of the prosperity region strategic plan can be summed up briefly as follows:
In a small area of land (at the beginning of the 100ha) community creates. There are different relationships created between people children are educated in a different way than nowadays, economic are managed a bit differently. There attaches great importance to the ecology (physical and psychological). Since the initial establishment of the region we will try to start a creative activity level, so we all will be irrelevant to the competition. This is usually seen only through experience.
Primary provisions
There is one thing that many global strategy of change implementation makes difficult - they are gradual planned changes on a global scale. In this case it would mean slow one by one change across the country. It is difficult to implement such a process, requiring a powerful and coercive control mechanisms.
We found out that the overwhelming majority of people are likely to avoid changes. More active, influential, but avoiding change, people looking for ways to avoid the control of ourselves and to negotiate concessions. It leads to corruption and blocks the strategy to develop.
Considered the fact, familiar with different people countries and organizations experience we prepared the booming region strategy that does not have this defect.
This strategy can be implemented in parallel with other ready to implement strategies of other people because our project will not interfere with any really useful innovative changes. This project will be implemented in a limited area which grow only in places where living people want to join us or where we buy the land due to growing number of people wishing to get involved in our community.
One of the most important advantages of our strategy is that all the participants are acting on their own volition and free will.
The second important advantage - the strategy shall be implemented primarily in a small area of a small group of motivated people. Only when the other, skeptical or less familiar with this strategy, will realize the utility and viability of it, they will voluntarily join and accept their conditions willing to learn and listen.
Order of strategy implementation
Common provisions
Strategy is developed. Maybe during the time there will be additions or corrections needed. Maybe according to your suggestions and comments we will change something. But the implementation is ready to start.
Firs of all to get started we need at least 100 hectares of land. Need funds to start to function more smoothly, so we could execute most important work quicker.
Helping each other we are committed to earn the money and implement this project. This may take some time. Is it possible to speed up this process?
Yes. It is possible and quite easy. It depends on each one of us reading this draft acknowledging its importance.
If a million people donate to our project $ 1, $ 1 million we would have. But there isn’t a million reading this. Not everyone will be able to realize project importance to all of us and to the whole world. More likely it is that 100,000 people will join our project by sacrificing ~ $ 10. Perhaps even more likely that 10,000 people, more loving Mother Earth, will donate ~ $ 100... We are confident that there are a lot of good people, aware of the importance to protect the Earth, We are confident that there are a lot of good people, aware of the importance to protect the Earth, and what a huge prospect to humanity can open our project...
There is another seemingly unobtrusive but very important reason for the global donation for our project. Our first-born prosperous region grown generation of young people (influenced by parents with old generation mentality) may lead to a certain risk of arrogance, hubris. They could talk like "Here we are the best, smartest ... and there are they - fools, drunks, losers..." Especially when there still will be not the best examples in the surrounding world.
If the beginning of our path will be based on the universal donation, we will have a very good medicine against the Pride. We will have a very clear basis from an early age to form a sense of gratitude to all those around. And from gratitude to love is only one step.
With the acceleration of the project (starting from below the phase 4), the self-made opportunities for individual countries and people's needs, we will begin to repay the debt actively organizing seminars, camps, for those who want to take over our experiences, learn from us. Depending of needs and possibilities, our people will go to other countries, to assist and advise emerging communities there. This will be honest payback for donations.
Each person can contribute to the implementation of the project and to make it happen faster. I have designated for this project myself and rest of my life. When I’ll get the land, I’ll move in and with all my passion, knowledge and experience I will bring this project to the life. My personal life is for this mission. There are comrades appearing and the team for the project is forming.
My Account SEB Bank:
LT08 7044 0001 7862 3420 Antanas Jokubavicius.
Each man donated to our community for more than $ 10, € or £ 10 will be entered into our communities Chronicle Annex - the book of sponsors. Each man sacrificed more than $ 1000, € 1000 or £ 1000, from certain published date, in accordance with the laws of the State of Lithuania, will be able to live and gain experience for up to 3 months per year (in case of a vacancy - more), in our community's land in a designated location (living cost not included).
If I’ll die or for any reason, inability to continue to lead this project management (and bill) the other member of our team will take over it, under strictly regulated procedures. This provides for maximum protection against disruption of the project, to discredit it, while it is still not complete and before the process reached the appropriate phase to be irreversible.
Note: All names of positions are temporary, in use only until the actual will be agreed and confirmed.
The leader designation procedure can not be changed sooner than 25 years after the community settles.
I will take all the responsibility for this project. My guarantee - all I have and hold, except for the 1.5 ha plot, where I will live with my family, and which in any case remain for my family. Personal plots remains for any of the members for all the time. An exception may be only a decision of the Council of Elders, approved by the Head.
Each new member in our community unconditionally accepts the statute, which will be published when the main team will move in their own properties. Each member of the community will be familiarized with member’s, the elder’s and the head’s rights.
Anyone wishing to get involved in our community, becomes a full member of the community after he lived in our plot for the pilot period, with consent of all members of the community. After head confirms this decision, it is irrevocable and the land belongs to owner forever. Exceptionally, land can be subtracted only if 90% of our community’s elders require and after the leader confirms.
Earning money, accepting donations, preparing the individual moments detailed explanations of the project and the procedures for implementing.
Form the team. For those, who are not fully ready, but want to join us, we and help to prepare.
Engage in various meetings, seminars, and talk, organize our strategy presentations for people interested in it.
Acquire about 100 hectares of land in rarely populated area.
Ensure good access (arrangement of roads), fetch electricity, internet...
Divide the territory into separate plots of land (approx 1.5 ha) for the families which will live there. Also plan the land for community needs. Start to plant the teritory in order of prepared project.
Friendly helping each other and with help of all interested in our project people, build environmentally friendly homes. Settle in the land (at the beginning at least 10 families).
Since establishment in new homesteads, the organization of children's education begins, according to the methodology of our strategy. As long as necessary, our village children report in the neighboring schools of general education. After authority institutions will make sure about our children’s good preparation, the knowledge and skills checks will be no longer required.
Actively propagating our environmentally friendly lifestyle, a booming regional strategy, and our children's achievements. Organize common traditional festivals, meetings, and camps for children who do not reside in our region. Announce to the population our sober lifestyle, ecology, holiday traditions, teach folk dances, songs.
To everyone, who comes to live with us, all the settlers' friendly help (with hard work and materials) to build a house, to plant a garden, flower beds, gardens, trees, ensure good financial self-sufficiency, incomes. It is very important. Due to gratitude to everyone for helping good relationships will develop. In this way we will create a cohesive, spirited, creative community.
When our region will increase to 50 -:- 70 families we already will have our own teachers for our children and, therefore, more consistent, well-organized child-raising procedures to ensure that children will get not only a good professional training, current high school knowledge, but even bachelor's level skills in some of the subjects. After completing this basic course, 13 -: -15 years old teenagers are already fully prepared for studies at universities or independent extramural studies. After this, 17 -: -19 years old they will achieve appropriate degrees and will be fully prepared for creative, scientific - research work or other work activities.
Some of these young people will create new prosperous towns or will engage into existing regions helping to correct any of the development lacks and strengthening the strategy.
Some of our young people are going to the cities in foreign countries, where their unique combination of experience helping people to change their habits, way of life. Teach them to create environmentally friendly, creative and happy life, better understanding of our strategy.
Our strategy of the booming region is spreading at a quicker pace, the number of families is increasing, and area is expanding in the surroundings. Society sees our successes, our way of life advantages, young people's creativity, integrity, constructive thinking.
Lithuanian society is increasingly recognizing our region's lifestyle and self-advantage. The highest governing bodies of Lithuania gathered more and more of our community. Our community's representatives - MPs, who agreed to stand for election to parliament only with the conditions, directly in Parliament, meeting in Vilnius, involving not more than two days a week. All other time they live in their community, family, preparing the relevant proposals, draft laws, regulations... Selary for them is payed by our community.
Due to constructive work, they earn prestige, credibility. Without any riots or revolutions leadership of Lithuania gradually transferring to honest, constructive working members of Parliament, Government leaders, President.
The governance arrangements improves by their initiative. The law establishes the right of free land to anyone who wanted to get involved in our project.
Number of foreign people who want to live, learn, gain experience is fast growing. Inability to accept everyone, more and more our people are going into missions in other countries. There will be books written and films produced about our way of life, self-government, and cultural activities.
The earth in area, where the project started, has got rid of harmful contaminants from the past. Our organic food supply can not meet the boom in demand, so its prices significantly increasing. Our handmade products, works of art, herbs are in high demand as well...
Our increased community finally solves the old fashioned Lithuanian teachers' employment and financial security issues. In a few years in all Lithuanian schools our community teachers replace them.
Then, over a decade restructures being done in a similar way in universities, colleges and academies. Decade after the reform, all Lithuanian higher school education level, takes its place among the world's leading. Lots of foreigners come for studies. This ensures the financial income in Lithuania and also speed up our strategy for export to other countries. This, in turn, promotes a more active, sincere communication between different peoples, cooperation among states. This increase understanding, trustiness of each other and peace all over the world!
Our strategy, growing rapidly, accelerates in many countries. The basics of our strategy are used for developing lots of other country strategies. Global disarmament agreed across the world. Disarmament takes part to actively recover any previously produced not only the most dangerous weapons of mass destruction, but all the firearms and explosives.
The Baltic countries, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova, the vast part of Russia, north-eastern Poland is almost completely implemented this a viable strategy. We live in friendship, respect and peace. The world's largest urban redevelopment is actively going on. The nature is no longer polluted and people start to treat the largest human-made Earth wounds. Step by step the desert area is reduced. Wastelands reviving into healty Earth.
Almost everywhere in the world political and economic crisis has gone into oblivion. There are no hungry, poor people in all over the world.
The first steps
That the strategy implementation plan would be more acceptable and to have any desire to contribute to it, honestly answer yourself a few questions:
1. Do you think it would be easier to convince all the people to smoke one cigarette per day less, or to find 50 people who will agree not to smoke at all throughout the day? [When looking for the answer to this question, keep in mind that many people can be influenced by the fact of what they hear on the campaign. How to control all this process? ... Meanwhile, the 50 people we can find non-smokers at all. Deal with them more easily. And does not require any control...]
2. Is it easier to arrange within all people during New Year Day drink a shot less of alcohol, or to organize 50 people who would agree to spend New Year's without alcohol? [And here remember again what is said in the first question comment].
3. What do you think, is it easier to convince all people to change one bad habit and replace it with good one, or maybe arrange 50 people to agree to change the way of life and traditions radically (at least in public view)? [Bear in mind that those 50 people may already be accustomed to live differently, such as abstainers, vegetarians, living peacefully in a cultured, honestly, organically, with positive loving attitudes to bringing up their children. In this case, our task would be to collect those people in one place, that they were "not disappear" in the crowd.]
4. These 50 families will be living in a friendly neighborhood, fostering a sober, healthy traditions, if their families will be better balanced, children happier, they will do better work, will gain better education. Do you think that near living children in neighborgood (has become a minority) will not want to join them, learn from them, to live as they are?
5. What do you think, how long it will take till parents will want to join their healthy, sober, happy children? Especially considering that they will fully contribute to others, shows understanding, friendship, will be assisted in their work, inviting their celebrations...
Some of the key requirements from the beginning:
In that territory:
– There can not be any alcohol, drugs, smoking (not only consumed, but can not be brought in).
– There can not be any guns and explosives. This will follow as well as the police, hunters or military arrive (this will follows within a time.
– There will be no major problems to deal with later on)...
– There can not be any killings (not human’s and not the beast, domestic animals or birds).
– Can not be used any violence against the person (both adult and child). It will take time to achieve it.
If not taken to deep knowledge of our strategy, it can lead to mistrust. Some people will want to christen us as the sect, fanatics, or in any other way... Jesus said: "The tree is known by the fruit." Who will want and will have patience, they will make sure of reasons for strict provisions since beginning.
Slightly more detailed explanation can be found here.
Another couple of pluses for clarity:
From this, quite short description, some of you may get an image that we want to create organic farm and expand it in all Lithuania, "to make" all people to become farmers. I want to make sure - it is only the first superficial impression. Not all at once will understand the perspectives of the project; therefore we set a fairly long time for its implementation. We can explain more, answer questions in forum >strategija „LIETUVA 2100“<
I can assure you that we already have strong evidence that the implementation of our project the overall level of Sciences of Lithuania will rise relatively quickly. Both the scientific and financial achievements in Lithuania in the first 30 -: -50 year already will take its place among the world leaders. In Education, energy, medicine, literature, nature conservation areas the whole world will learn from us. It is only still a long time we will be misunderstood by government politicians about the state control questions. They will be able to assess the situation only when they will see that those countries that were previously considered them as an example are suddenly falling down, being dissatisfied with the results of its restructuring, finaly they will understand to follow our model.
Table provides provisional terms of the strategy.
From the beginning of the project
The table shows the provisional dates. Consider the fact that over 100 years 3 -: -4 working-age generation will change, the first inhabitants of the region prosperous grandchildren will grow up. A lot of strong leaders will grow; thy will feel the region's way of life. Human relationships will be self-explanatory. They will not be directly confronted with any kind of violence, corruption and crime. Their educational and cultural level will be significantly higher than humanity today is. The younger generation will accelerate our strategy.
Bear in mind that in those 500,000 families the average number of children will be about 4 (average number of children will stabilize at a lower number in later generations). That means about 2 million additional, civic-minded people in our country.
Significant changes will appear in the biggest Lithuanian cities. Dramatic good changes will start after 15 -: - 20 years in smaller, closer to the region towns (Telsiai, Kursenai, Kelme, Raseiniai, Taurage Silale, Plunge...), as well as Vilnius, Kaunas and other major cities in the suburbs.
that you have read, understood, supported, collaborated!
Transferring your money to us, bear in mind that you have designated them to a candle, which will burn and give light of the world.
Thank you very much!
08/07/2011 “Aistis“ team presented to the public, for information, studying and implementation of just-completed strategic Plan „ STRATEGY OF PROSPEROUS REGION “
(click on the link, download the pdf document strategy, read, debate forum, act)
This strategy will make a major changes in human development. It depends on each of us how quickly this project become a reality, will change our lives.
Life is too short for doubt!
This project will come into history as one of the most important third millennium event. When it will happen, depends on each one of us. We all create our own future!
Would you like to ask anything, please contact
Šis el.pašto adresas yra apsaugotas nuo Spam'o, jums reikia įjungti Javaskriptą, kad matytumėte tai
, discuss, ask questions to the forum.
The project implementation is summarized in this short summary. Obviously it is difficult to get the full picture from this short description. All possible thought have been done by „Aistis“ team. Thoroughly tested everything what is possible to be tested.
Kind Regard,
Jokubavicius Antanas and „Aistis“ team.
If everyone makes an effort to make their lives better, without a crisis - the state would be without crisis as well. Everything depends on us! We are responsible for our lifes and what like our country is.
If everyone around would treat a few square meters of land, will pick up rubbish and will not pollute - our Earth would blossom!
Where are people, there is a desire to live better. Share the happiness, try to to make more people happy, and we will become happier as well!
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